The Federations Board and its Committees meet once every quarter and each year the members of the Federation meet at Annual General Meetings (AGMs) at which the ZFE Directors present the Annual Report which includes the Audited financial statements and the annual budget estimates to the members of the Federation for approval. Members also exercise their right to vote for directors and any member has a right to contest for any position on the Board. Other Employers meetings are held as the need arises during the year at which specific issues concerning employers interests are discussed. Current Sub- Committees of the Board are: Finance and Administrations Committee, Membership service and Recruitment Committee, Midlands Regional Committee. Southern Regional Committee and Copperbelt Regional Committee Adhoc Committees that are formed for specific issues The ZFE Directors also represent employers interest by sitting on Statutory Boards which are as follows: National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA), Workers Compensation Fund Control Board (WCFCB) , Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS), Zambia Competition Commission (ZCC) Zambia Postal Services (ZAMPOST), Pensions and Insurance Authority (PIA) Technical Vocational Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA), African Peer Review (APR), Economic Association of Zambia (EAZ) and National Constitution Conference (NCC).