The principal objectives of the Federation are establishment, promotion, development and maintenance of good relations between employers and employees throughout the Republic of Zambia, and to be the highest and central organisation representing Employers to the Government and the Labour movement on social, labour, employment and economical issues.
In furtherance of these main objects of the Federation, are the following particular objects:
- To promote the interests of members and facilitate consultation and exchange of opinions and information between members.
- To collect from members and from other appropriate sources such as statistical and other data as may be necessary or desirable to enable members to use sound judgement in matters affecting employers and employees.
- To initiate, support, or make representations about legislative measures and regulations which affect the interests of Employers and to consult with and make Representations to Government and other bodies on relations between Employer and Employees, on matters affecting business operations or any other matter reasonably incidental to the Foregoing.
- To represent and advocate the views and principles of the Federation, Member Associations, or Individual members with all relevant parties.
- To maintain and develop contact with the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions. (f) To encourage the study and development of new trends in labour management, and to promote all aspects of management, education and training.
- To give support to national development and economic policies.
- To adhere to the provisions of the Industrial and labour legislation for the time being in force in the Republic of Zambia.